It's Palpable. We are living through history.

We're launching a new HQ for Narativ that meets the moment.

Biden in Normandy

Whatever happens in November will determine our future and our children's lives for some time. Joe Biden's stirring speech in Normandy on the 80th anniversary of D-Day reminded us of the gravity of this moment. I featured the entire speech during this week's Narativ with Zev Shalev.

With so much at stake, building a new HQ for Narativ makes intuitive sense— This exclusive space will serve as a hub for disseminating crucial news that directly impacts your life. It will operate independently, free from the influence of billionaire tech owners and their algorithms, ensuring you receive unfiltered information.

Since 2016, Narativ has been a leading source for breaking news and forward-leaning analysis. Narativ reaches millions of people monthly on social media, podcasts, Patreon, and Substack, but for a few years now, we've lacked a central place for all things Narativ where we can all be sure to connect.

The new, in conjunction with a new, user-friendly newsletter powered by Beehiiv, is set to revolutionize our connection during the final five months of this election campaign. If you're receiving this, you are likely already subscribed to our existing newsletters through Substack, Patreon, or WordPress, and this newsletter will replace those over time.

If you're a paying subscriber on any of these platforms, you'll receive the same content on Patreon and Substack while we streamline everyone onto a single list. If you're reading this on our website and are not subscribed, sign up today at

We’ve joined Beehiiv to take advantage of its revenue streams, without which Narativ is unsustainable. Please support our content and sponsors as enthusiastically as you have in the past.

These are challenging times, and we hope the new will become a regular touchpoint for you to access the latest news from a trusted source and a community of like-minded people. The site offers a blend of free and premium content. We encourage you to upgrade to our premium channel for $8 a month or $72 for a full year. Remember, it’s just DAY 1 today, so bear with me as we deal with any issues.

The latest Narativ with Zev Shalev podcast is a great place to start, which I’m releasing here first.


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